Finally, mustering enough courage, Ranga goes into the well and by accident retrieves the pot. They even increase his fee for fetching the pot. To postpone the impending task, Ranga claims he is hungry and they feed him like a royal prince. When they reach the rich man’s house, Ranga is petrified looking at the deep well and wants to back out, but the entire family coaxes him to get into well. But the servant leaves him no choice and drags him along. Ranga is enticed by the offer, but is scared to get into the well.

As he sits dejected in the market road, a servant comes by and seeks his help to fetch an antique pot, which has fallen into the well. Reluctantly, Ranga goes out and asked people for odd jobs such as climbing the coconut tree and plucking the coconuts. The story begins with Ranga being scolded by his wife to go and look for job, as they do not have anything to eat. ‘Four Rupees’ is a delightful story of Ranga a poor man who is lazy and good for nothing.